Thursday, May 22, 2014

Two more reasons to question GMO's and those who promote them

I get a little behind in my reading sometimes, and just recently found two stories in the same issue of
Whole Foods  Magazine , January 2014,  dealing with the question of GMO's .( read the articles in their entirety at WholeFoods Magazine Jan 2014 pages 8 & 9 )
 In short, it appears Monsanto and its minions put some serious pressure on  the journal
Food and Chemical Toxicology,  after publishing a French study that showed rats fed GM maize, and water sprayed with Round Up had significantly more and faster growing tumors than the rats fed a clean diet, and they died earlier.  The study was met with criticism from supporters of GM crops and Monsanto, as you would expect.  The journal retracted the study but did not cite scientific fraud, plagiarism or unethical methods; the usual reasons for retracting a study. The journal's reasons given were "no definitive conclusions can be reached" from the findings, and the rats used are more susceptible to tumors.
 Funny though, when Monsanto used the same rats in a 13 week study (versus the  2 year French study)
and found that GM corn was safe, no one questioned it. It is also interesting to note that six months after the study was published, the journal hired Richard Goodman, a former Monsanto employee with ties to a pro -GMO lobbying group, to a new editorial position, called Associate Editor for Biotechnology.
 Seriously, I am supposed to believe this is a coincidence?!
  The other story cites a report from the Institute for Responsible Technology, suggesting there may be a link between GM foods and gluten related disorders including celiac disease. You really need to read the whole story because it gets very detailed, but suffice it to say there is a rather glaring connection between some very common GM foods or additives  and  leaky gut syndrome and the imbalance of gut flora which is often seen in those with celiac disease. 

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