Nature’s Rx August, 2008
Dear Jonathan, I am going in for some minor surgery next month. My doctor says to stop all vitamins and herbal supplements two weeks before the operation. I do not understand the reasoning for this. I take a multivitamin and mineral each day and really need it to feel right. What is your opinion? David
Dear David,
Most doctors will tell you to stop taking supplements about 4-7 days before an operation. They do not want any surprises. Some vitamins have a blood thinning effect, as do some herbs. The doctor is trying to avoid any unnecessary bleeding during the surgery, or perhaps any contraindication related to anesthesia, if it is being used. We always recommend you follow your doctors’ advice. If two weeks is too much for you ask about the one week time frame. The more you talk to the doctor and explain your situation, the more he can explain to you the reason for his timetable. You can also find out how familiar he/she is with nutritional supplements or herbs. Do not be afraid to ask. We have several customers who have physicians who are familiar with the supplements and have worked with their patients to incorporate their herbal use into the doctor’s prescription. One lady comes to mind. Recently she developed “tennis elbow” and needed to take a supplement containing turmeric. She was taking Coumadin which is a blood thinner. Turmeric has a slight thinning effect also. She called her doctor, he researched the turmeric and found it would not complicate matters. He even went so far as to reduce her amount of Coumadin, so as to allow her to use the herbal product. Please, it is very important to tell your doctor everything you are taking. Talk with them. You may find the doctor more understanding than you thought.
Dear Jonathan, I know this is gross, but I have a bad case of toe fungus. The doctor gave me a prescription, but I read about the side effects and possible damage to the liver and I am frightened. Is there any natural remedy that I could use? Susan.
Dear Susan,
There are a variety of items you can try both topically and internally that will not be so frightening to you. You can try Tea Tree essential oil. Tea tree is a very good anti fungal which can be used topically, but make sure you get a low cineole content oil. If the fungus is relatively new, this should do the trick. If it is really imbedded, you may have to use something both internal and external. In that case we carry a product called Spilanthes-Usnea compound. It contains Spilanthes (anti bacterial, antifungal, immune enhancing) Usnea (anti infection on a variety of issues) Oregano (a powerful anti fungal, antimicrobial antibacterial) Tea tree, and Pau d’arco (antifungal, tonic) This combination is excellent for candidiasis, thrush, ringworm and athlete’s foot. If liquids are not to your liking, Twinlab offers a capsule form called “Yeast Fighters”, Solaray features “ Yeast Fighters, and Renew Life has “Candi-gone.” No matter which product you choose, it is also very important to add probiotics to your diet. Yeast overgrowth is very common, and poor diet, stress, medicines, antibiotic use all contribute to the lowering of good bacteria in your gut and to allowing the yeast to get out of hand.
Warning: avoid the internet and television products for candidiasis, and for heaven’s sake forget the footbath or detox pads. Those will have very little effect on your condition, but they will lighten your wallet. Go to your local health food/ supplement retailer and talk to someone. Get a feel for the products, ask questions and let the sales person explain the products.
Recently we have had a number of people coming in asking about “burning tongue syndrome. This surprised me, since it is now called a syndrome. Apparently it is on the rise and no one is sure why. It has been linked to possible side effects of certain medications. Check with your Pharmacist for any potential problems with your medicines. Nutritionally, extra B complex has been recommended, with good results, and some people tell us the doctors have suggested increasing their zinc levels. While I was researching other topics, I came upon information that suggests yeast overgrowth may be linked to burning tongue. If you are experiencing this condition, it may be worthwhile to try a yeast cleanse product. You really have nothing to lose, and you will benefit one way or the other.
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